Minor Humans in Shannara

This article is about minor humans that appear in one or more of Terry Brooks' epic fantasy[1] Shannara novels.


Minor Humans in The First King of Shannara

Urprox Screl

Urprox Screl
Shannara character
First appearance First King of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty his family

Urprox Screl lived in Dechtera[2] and was known as the best blacksmith of the race of Men. He had given up this craft, turning instead to woodcarving,[2] but during the Second War of the Races he was visited by Bremen, Kinson Ravenlock, and Mareth. After a few days, the three convinced Screl to use his furnace to forge, with Bremen's help, the Sword of Shannara[2] using the Eilt Druin[2] and a formula from Cogline.[2]

Afterwards, he went north to the Borderlands and was never heard from again. One man said that he met him but he was now using the name Creel.[2] It is believed that he is the ancestor of both Panamon Creel, who went into the Skull Kingdom with Shea Ohmsford to kill the Warlock Lord, as well as Padishar Creel, who was the leader of the Free-born during the time of the Shadowen. As Par Ohmsford married Padishar's daughter Damson Rhee, Urprox Screl is also presumably an ancestor of Grianne, Bek, and Pen Ohmsford.

Minor Humans in The Sword of Shannara


Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Last appearance during the siege on Tyrsis
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty Callahorn and the Border Legion

Acton was the cavalry commander of the Border Legion.[3] He was locked up by Palance Buckhannah for protesting the disbandment of the Legion;[3] he was then freed by Balinor Buckhannah in time to help with the defense of Tyrsis. He died at dusk when a stray Gnome arrow caught him in the throat.[3]

Menion Leah

Menion Leah
Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty Shea and Flick Ohmsford
Magic item or equipment the Sword of Leah


Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty Balinor Buckhannah and Callahorn

Messaline was a commander in the Border Legion. He was locked up in the dungeons by Palance Buckhannah after attempting to protest the Legion's sudden disbandment.[3] Freed by Balinor Buckhannah after he was sprung from prison, he was one of four major commanders of the quickly reformed Legion; he was also the only one of the four to survive.[3]

Palance Buckhannah

Palance Buckhannah
Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Last appearance Killed by Stenmin during the events of The Sword of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male

Panamon Creel

Panamon Creel
Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male

Panamon Creel's early life is shrouded in mystery, other than the fact that he is a Southlander. Sometime in his early life, he lost his left hand, and replaced it with an iron pike.[3] Dressed in an outlandish red outfit, Panamon became a thief, and along the way made friends with a Rock Troll named Keltset. Panamon is known for his quick tongue, always making up wild stories about his past.

Along the way, Panamon came upon a battlefield littered with the bodies of Elves and Gnomes, where Panamon found the war standard of Eventine Elessedil. Before they could act on this, the group was confronted by one of the Skull Bearers of the Warlock Lord.[3] Panamon and Keltset fought the beast, but only managed to defeat it after Panamon gave Shea the Elfstones.[3]

Shortly after, the group came upon Orl Fane, an insane Gnome who secretly possessed the Sword of Shannara.[3] Panamon saw through the Gnome's deceptions, and had him tied up and brought along to find the Sword. Fane managed to escape, and Panamon led the group north after him in rage. Along the way, they encountered a group of Trolls, and Keltset's origins were revealed.[3] Determined to help his giant friend and Shea, Panamon accompanied them to Skull Mountain.

Inside the Mountain, Panamon and Keltset tried in vain to defend Shea from the Warlock Lord. However, they were thrown aside while Shea destroyed Brona. In fleeing the collapsing mountain, Keltset perished, and Panamon drove Shea on.[3] Panamon, with a broken limb,[3] stayed to face a pursuing Muten. Some time after the whole incident, Panamon appeared alive and well in Shady Vale, carrying the Elfstones that Shea had lost in his flight.[3]

Ruhl Buckhannah

Ruhl Buckhannah
Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Last appearance During the siege upon Tyrsis
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty Callahorn

Ruhl Buckhannah was the king of Callahorn and the father of Balinor and Palance.[3] He is locked in a tower by Stenmin for the entire novel and he eventually dies of poisoning.[3]


Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty Callahorn and the Border Legion

Sheelon was a captain in the Border Legion.[3] He was locked up by Palance Buckhannah after he was seen with Balinor.[3] He was released immediately upon Balinor becoming King,[3] and participated in the battle for Tyrsis. He was slain by traitors while guarding the main gatehouse.[3]


Shannara character
First appearance The Sword of Shannara
Last appearance During the sige upon Tyrsis
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty The Warlock Lord

Stenmin is the advisor to the current ruler of the city of Tyrsis, Prince Palance Buckhannah. In an attempt to gain power, he is poisoning Palance's mind and body by feeding him drugs.[3] He is also responsible for the illness of the king, Ruhl Buckhannah. Stenmin encourages Palance to imprison his brother Balinor Buckhannah and his companions upon their arrival in Tyrsis.[3]

Stenmin attempts to kidnap Shirl Ravenlock and stab Menion Leah in different parts of the book.[3] He manages to kill Palance when it is proven that he is a traitor, but he then immediately hides somewhere in the fortress.[3] Stenmin is eventually caught and slain by Menion Leah just before he is able to betray Tyrsis to his "master," the Warlock Lord.[3]

Stenmin can be easily compared to Gríma Wormtongue of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings tale.[4]

Minor humans in The Heritage of Shannara

Damson Rhee

Damson Rhee
Shannara character
First appearance Heritage of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Female
Loyalty the Free-born

Damson Rhee is a street magician, skilled in the arts of sleight of hand and illusion. She is also (secretly) the daughter of Free-born leader Padishar Creel, and thus a descendant of the legendary Panamon Creel. She lost all her family except her father to a fire after her father was betrayed while selling weapons to the Free-born. To protect her from danger, Padishar concocted numerous stories about her origin.


Shannara character
First appearance The Heritage of Shannara
Last appearance Poisoned by the Wisteron in Morrowindl
Species Human
Gender Male

Morgan Leah

Morgan Leah
Shannara character
First appearance Scions of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male

Morgan Leah is the descendant of Rone Leah, and as such carries the magical Sword of Leah; he is most likely related to Walker Boh as well, as the short story "Indomitable" names Rone Leah as Brin's husband.

Padishar Creel

Padishar Creel
Shannara character
First appearance Heritage of Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male
Loyalty the Free-born

Padishar Creel, the several generations removed grandson of Panamon Creel, is the leader of the Free-born rebellion against The Federation in the time of the Shadowen.[5] Like his ancestor, Padishar makes up multiple stories about his past, during most of which he makes his family out to be land owners with the title of 'Baron Creel'. In reality, he was a smith who provided weapons to the Free-born, and lost all of his family except his daughter in a Federation-caused fire. After that, he joined the Free-born, uniting most of them under the banner of the hawk.

Padishar led the Free-born in battle alongside the Elves. After the Federation defeat, he organized a revolt that toppled Federation authority in Callahorn. When Damson married Par Ohmsford, the Creel and Ohmsford lines mingled, and in 130 years would produce Bek Ohmsford.

Bek Ohmsford

Bek Ohmsford
Shannara character
First appearance Ilse Witch
Nickname(s) Bek Ohmsford
Species Human
Gender Male

Bek Ohmsford is a fictional character from The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara and the High Druid of Shannara series by Terry Brooks.


Bek's past is filled with tragedy. When he was two, his parents and home were destroyed and his older sister, Grianne Ohmsford, was kidnapped by the Morgawr shortly after hiding him. Saved by the shape-shifter Truls Rohk, Bek was taken to the Druid Walker Boh, a distant relative who in turn took Bek to live with the Leah family. Walker concealed Bek's heritage, claiming that he was the child of a distant relative of the Highlanders. And so, from that point until his late teens, Bek Ohmsford was Bek Rowe. He became good friends with his "cousin" Quentin Leah, and the two were hunting together when they were approached by Walker.

The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara

He revealed Bek's origins, his sister's existence, and one of the reasons he had been brought aboard: to wield the Sword of Shannara so they could bypass the obstacle of the Squirm. Having done so, Bek accompanied the others into Parkasia. He ran into Grianne, who captured him and took him aboard her airship. However, he was freed by Truls Rohk, and the two set about evading the menaces of Parkasia. They witnessed Walker's death, and vowed to protect Grianne from harm.

High Druid of Shannara

Twenty years later, Bek's life was greatly changed. He and Rue were married, he was in the business of airships, his relationship with his sister was strained, and he had a son named Pen Ohmsford. Bek and his wife were away when Tagwen came, and then were brought to Paranor by the Druids. Bek vainly tried to oppose the treacherous Druids, but was imprisoned. Working together with allies of his sister, Trefen Morys and Bellizen, Bek was able to hep Pen bring her home and defeat the renegade Druids.

Quentin Leah

Quentin Leah
Shannara character
First appearance Ilse Witch
Last appearance After the events of The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara
Species Human
Gender Male

Quentin Leah is a descendant of Morgan Leah and also wields the magical Sword of Leah. He claims as his cousin Bek Ohmsford, who grew up with him in the Highlands. The two did many things together, talking of adventures in faraway places. Their chance to live that dream came in the form of Walker Boh, who recruited them for his expedition to Parkasia. Glad to be a part of it, Quentin and his cousin traveled to deliver a message to Walker's associate, Truls Rohk.


  1. ^ Speakman, Shawn (2008). "Terry Brooks' official website". Archived from the original on 2008-04-23. http://web.archive.org/web/20080423001005/http://www.terrybrooks.net/novels/index.html. Retrieved 2008-05-02. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f Gong, Minnie (2007). "First King of Shannara Character List". The Shannara Files. http://www.alitheia.org/shannarafiles/First_King_List.php. Retrieved 2008-04-08. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Gong, Minnie (2007). "The Sword of Shannara Character List". The Shannara Files. http://www.alitheia.org/shannarafiles/Sword_ABC.php. Retrieved 2008-04-08. 
  4. ^ Fortey, Ian (2004). "Review of The Sword of Shannara". Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A16O2UEQUG37GU. Retrieved 2008-05-13. 
  5. ^ Gong, Minnie (2007). "Scions of Shannara Character List". The Shannara Files. http://www.alitheia.org/shannarafiles/Scions_ABC.php. Retrieved 2008-04-10.